American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journals

AIChE publishes six peer-reviewed journals — AIChE Journal (AIChE J), Bioengineering & Translational Medicine (BioTM), Biotechnology Progress (BTPR), Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (EP&SE), Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing (JAMP), and Process Safety Progress (PSP) — as well as books on a wide variety of chemical engineering topics, through its partnership with John Wiley & Sons. In addition, all members receive AIChE's flagship magazine, Chemical Engineering Progress (CEP).

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Chemical Engineering Progress (CEP), AIChE's flagship member magazine, is written and edited by chemical engineering professionals for chemical engineering professionals. Every month, CEP publishes tutorial articles that provide "how-to" guidance and best practices on a wide variety of chemical engineering topics, as well as news on the latest developments in chemical engineering technology and cutting-edge research.